Speaker Agreement

Speaker Agreement

This agreement outlines what we expect from you if you’re selected to speak at our Rev conferences and events.

  1. Your Proposal & Content
    • Your Idea: Once you submit your session idea, you can't change its main focus, although minor updates are okay. We choose sessions based on the idea, your experience, and how you describe it.
    • Your Materials: If you include videos or other materials in your proposal, you’re okay with us showing them to the public and adding closed captions.
    • Your Team: If you mention other speakers in your proposal, make sure they know and agree to all terms here.
  2. Communication & Conduct
    • Primary Contact: You’ll be our main point of contact for anything related to your proposal.
    • Follow Rules: You agree to follow our Code of Conduct.
    • Keep Us Updated: If your proposal is accepted, confirm quickly and stick to all deadlines. If not, your proposal might be dropped.
  3. Rights & Permissions
    • Use of Your Content: By participating, you let us use your session recordings, your name, and image in promotions without paying you.
    • Our Trademarks: You can use RevCon trademarks only as allowed and must recognize our ownership of them.
  4. Responsibilities & Indemnification
    • Truthful Information: Make sure all information in your application is correct and doesn't break any laws.
    • Cover Our Backs: You’ll protect us from any legal issues that might arise from your participation.
    • Adapt to Changes: We might make changes to the event, and if we do, you understand there won’t be any compensation.
  5. Compensation
    • What You Get: Each speaker gets two free tickets.
    • Promotion: We’ll feature your profile and talk across our website and social media.
  6. Speaker Profiles

    Complete Your Profile: Fill out your profile with your full name and photo to ensure your session is listed correctly.

  7. Session Integrity

    Approval for Changes: If your session is selected, stick to the original content. Major changes need our written approval.

  8. Session Preparation

    Prep Work: If you're on a panel, coordinate with others. Dedicate enough time to prepare and inform us of any needs or changes.

  9. Obtaining Consent

    Permissions Needed: Get the necessary permissions to use any materials in your session.

  10. Promoted Content

    Stay Neutral: Your presentation should be informative, not promotional.

  11. Staying on Topic & On Time

    Keep Focus: Stick to your session’s topic and keep within the time limit.

  12. Code of Conduct

    Follow the Rules: Ensure all content, including humor, fits our Code of Conduct. Breaches may lead to your session being removed.

  13. Unacceptable Behavior

    Zero Tolerance: We don’t tolerate behavior against our Code of Conduct. Breaking rules could lead to you being removed from the conference.

  14. Session Recording

    Recording Notice: Your session will be recorded and shared publicly.

  15. Legal Terms
    • Legal Stuff: Any disputes will be handled according to California law. You agree to protect us (MERCURY360 LLC dba RevCon) from any claims related to your participation.
    • By agreeing to this, you commit to upholding the standards and responsibilities laid out here for the RevCon Conference.